After 23 years in busy Chicago, physical therapist Amy Nelson sought a simpler life. So with her partner, she pursued a ‘treechange’ to Colorado to enjoy the tranquillity of the Rocky Mountains. Following an outpatient orthopaedics and management career Amy also sought a simpler style of practice and began working in home health.
Many of Amy’s clients were located in the foothills of the surrounding mountains and their remoteness increased the demands and costs of their seeking healthcare – add an hour or more for travel, motor vehicle running expenses, time away from work and family, etc. Aiming to make their healthcare provision more accessible, Amy began an adjunctive online physical therapy business.
First Amy needed a name for the business. She sought something short and positive, and Be Well polled well amongst family and friends. Next she needed a website and a domain name. After hearing of the profession’s very own .physio domain extension through Telehealth evangelist Rob Vining, Amy registered
Whilst the term ‘physio’ is not commonly used in the US, Amy is not a fan of the alternative initials PT which she believes can be easily confused with Personal Trainer. Plus ‘physio’ is more global, an important consideration for the future of telehealth which will only become more international, and it means her website address stands out by not having the ubiquitous .com extension. Like all things made simpler, Amy’s website address says more whilst taking less time to absorb.
Next Amy enlisted the help of a graphic designer to create a logo and with the addition of a simple smile to her business name and the choice of a casual font, she has built a visual device that explains everything. This underlying principle of simplicity flows through to Amy’s website where her above-the-fold front page has just her logo, a tag line, a scheduling button and the most extraordinary photo of herself.
The understated simplicity of Amy’s brand sends a powerful message to her website visitors.
Amy reports that her telehealth clients have loved her service and their responses have inspired her to buy into it more. Clients are often surprised by the efficiency and effectiveness of their telehealth consultations, and enjoying utilising the service. Amy described how the simple act of an email follow up with a summary of the consult and a forward plan facilitates future engagement and compliance by patients, whilst ensuring she stays on track with her treatment.
By seeking to make life simpler for herself and for her clients Amy has discovered the key to business success. Using innovative technology and consistent marketing practices she is reaching out to a bigger world.
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