In clinical practice a niche is a specialised or focused area.  A niche helps you stand out from generalists because expert knowledge and skills are highly valued by potential customers and partners.

​For Physical Therapists niches can be a body part, condition, injury type, sport/activity, technique, price, demographic, location and more, and even combinations like location and condition.  The more specific the niche the better, like shoulder dislocations, dolphin injuries or human movement in robotics.  And don’t worry, you can never be too niche. Those same patients and their friends & family will also need the regular kind of physical therapy too.

No one does niche business like Americans and no one niches the internet better for physical therapists than the .physio domain name extension.  So to highlight the amazing niches within US Physical Therapy we’ve partnered with business leaders PT PintcastPT Website Secrets and PT Copywriter to focus on niches in November and renamed the month NICHE-VEMBER.

​You’ll get insights into our profession you’ve NEVER HEARD BEFORE!!!!!! Plus ideas and motivation to create your own niche.


As every new niche business needs a boost we are giving away 10 x one-year Physical Therapy Digital Boost Packages to help US Physical Therapists and Students reach a global audience for their niche idea.  Each package includes:

  1. A registered .physio domain name of your choice to digitally brand your niche
  2. A hosted ‘drag and drop’ Weebly webpage (as used to create this very webpage)
  3. Two branded email accounts to personalize your communications
  4. Consultation with PT Website Secrets‘ Christine Walker to help find the right strategy
  5. Consultation with PT Copywriter Kobe Robinson to help find the right words
  6. Technical support to get everything up and going
  7. Your niche webpage actively promoted by PTPintcast and Dot Physio

PLUS one brilliant winner will get an extra 2 years domain registration.

To find out more and enter the competition go to