Go Daddy is the worlds largest domain registrar, registry support provider and web host.  Their registry team’s podcast series is targeted at CEO’s, marketing managers and senior decision makers for major brands and multi-national companies.

The podcast series explores the latest domain name industry thought-leadership news, options and insights and past episodes have included interviews with the leaders of .cpa, .bank, .insurance and .fox, with insights from JP Morgan Chase and Mark Monitor management.

In the June 2022 podcast, host Tony Kirsch interviews Glenn Ruscoe, Managing Director of Phys Biz Pty Ltd, the registry operator for the .physio top level domain (TLD).

The .physio TLD has a special place in Tony’s heart as he was a part of the team that helped create the domain extension and together with Glenn they explore the struggle between respectfully advocating for the global profession and the need for a return on investment. 

The interview provides insight for corporations and organisations around the world who may be considering becoming new TLD operators in the next round.  At the same it presented a significant opportunity to raise the profile of the physiotherapy and physical therapy profession to a global audience of corporate leaders.

Click here to listen to the podcast or search your favourite podcast provider for GoDaddy Registry Podcast.