Celebrating 10 years of .physio

Celebrating 10 years of .physio

  Over the past decade, the .physio top-level domain has revolutionised how physiotherapists and their organisations connect with patients, build their online presence, and enhance their credibility. Since its launch in 2014, .physio has grown from a vision into...
Ten New Niche Domains

Ten New Niche Domains

A niche is a specialised or focused area.  Targeting a niche helps you stand out from generalists because expert knowledge and skills are highly valued by potential customers and partners. In November 2022 we partnered with business leaders PT Pintcast, PT Website...
Niche-vember in the USA

Niche-vember in the USA

In clinical practice a niche is a specialised or focused area.  A niche helps you stand out from generalists because expert knowledge and skills are highly valued by potential customers and partners. ​For Physical Therapists niches can be a body part, condition,...