Many private practice physiotherapists and physical therapists around the world have experienced substantial, and in some cases complete, losses of income as the self-isolating response to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused patients to stay at home.

In response the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has created a digital consumer campaign titled ‘Physio is open for business’. The Facebook and Instagram campaign aims to encourage consumers to see their physios, whether for essential face to face treatment or via telehealth.

Central to the campaign is its ‘relatedness’ to people in lock-down through the use of clever images connecting the common musculoskeletal problems and portraying them in a humorously sympathetic vein. Whether it be the sore shoulder from unaccustomed carrying of an upset baby, the headache caused by educating children or neck pain from a poorly positioned laptop, the message is that physiotherapy can help.

The APA has incorporated its use of its consumer-facing website address that doubles as both a call to action and advises of where to go for more information. This double use of the domain name allows minimum text overlay on the images so that they beautifully portray the message. And by updating the existing website with the same images used in the campaign, the continuity ensures a smooth transition to the information.

The advertisements are being published through the APA’s own channels and are available for members to use in their marketing. Sharing with other partners, such as in the Private Health Industry is also occurring to amplify the message.

New images relating to knee pain and shin splints (due to the increase in running people are doing) are on their way. As are images offering help whilst people wait for elective surgery.

As the campaign is so connected with the current situation it is necessarily nimble in its content, timing and longevity. The APA will be continually tweaking the levers as the situation evolves to ensure the campaign remains relatable and will cease the promotion once people return to their normal lives.

Australian physiotherapists should be rightly proud of the work of the APA and its responsiveness to their needs.