The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has unveiled a fresh consumer campaign, “Your Best Move Yet,” designed to strengthen the emotional connection Australians feel with physiotherapy. With a clever play on words, the campaign not only highlights that choosing an APA physio is a smart decision, but also that receiving treatment helps patients regain the movement they need for what matters most in life to them.

Andrea Johnson, APA General Manager of Marketing and Communications, explains, “This campaign shares the stories of everyday individuals, aiming to inspire others to make their best move by choosing physiotherapy to enhance their physical health and well-being.”

While physiotherapy benefits consumers of all ages, the campaign initially focuses on older adults and millennials. Research shows these groups are more likely to seek physiotherapy, due to their health-conscious lifestyles, decision-making roles, and available time and income. Their relatable experiences resonate with a broader audience, making them ideal campaign ambassadors.

Through humorous and memorable stories, the campaign showcases real-life scenarios of people who’ve regained their mobility thanks to physiotherapy. Featured in the campaign are Tim, a millennial dancer, and Sylvia, a senior who needs to stay active to care for her grandchild.

Both stories paint a vivid picture of how physiotherapy is essential to keeping people moving and doing what they love. More stories will emerge as the campaign progresses.

A key driver of the campaign’s success is its digital-first strategy, which runs into 2025 and integrates with all APA consumer marketing materials. APA members also have the opportunity to piggyback on this campaign by connecting with the professionally developed content, elevating their own brand through ‘credibility by association.’

The final message of each campaign video is a call to action: “Find your physio at” This clever use of the .physio domain extension not only strengthens the campaign’s message but also builds trust with consumers. Andrea Johnson points out, “The .physio domain communicates professionalism, reassuring the public that is a reputable source for physiotherapy information. The simplicity and relevance of the URL makes it easy to remember.”

What makes the .physio domain extension especially powerful is its global reach. The APA’s strategic use of the domain not only boosts their own campaign’s credibility but also enhances the trustworthiness of every .physio domain user worldwide. Digital campaigns naturally spread around the globe, so from Nigeria to Germany to the United States, consumers will see the APA’s use of the .physio extension and associate it with quality, reliable physiotherapy services. This global alignment of the profession own digital brand magnifies the message, ensuring that .physio domain users ride a wave of amplified trust and recognition wherever they are.

With the .physio extension, your practice doesn’t just ride on the coattails of local campaigns – it taps into a worldwide network of credibility, reinforcing the core message that physiotherapy is essential for living well.