As the antithesis of all things physiotherapy and physical therapy, sedentariness represents both a significant hurdle to the practitioner and a huge opportunity to the entrepreneur.  With the increasing use of technology at home and at work more people are being sedentary for longer periods, creating the potential for a large cohort of future ill and injured.

Inspired by his onsite job helping workers solve their physical task issues at large corporations like Boeing, Safeway and Bank of America, US physical therapist Marc Nordby has launched his own business to tackle the scourge of sedentariness.  And rather than Quixotically blaming technology, Marc is using technology to help him reach more people (more on that later).

The complex inter-relationship of sedentariness, physical therapy and technology, both as a cause and solution, requires significant explanation and presented Marc a challenge for his business branding and communications.  Succinctly getting his message across in a few seconds would be difficult.

Fortunately Marc recognised that the profession’s own website domain extension .physio provided a unique opportunity for him.  By connecting it to the word ‘sitting’ (the best known example of sedentariness) he has created a website address that doubles as a brand identity.


‘Sitting’ identifies the problem and ‘physio’ the solution, whilst the dot demonstrates the strong connection with technology.


By securing the domain and the brand Marc has become a category killer. That means he now owns the entire category of all things sitting and physiotherapy/physical therapy in the minds of consumers, and as a result has killed off any likely competition.

Marc said, “The .physio domain extension is a strong and modern differentiator to .com.  It is unique, clean, short and highly specific to our profession”.  Any concerns that Americans may not understand the term ‘physio’ will be allayed by the explanation of ‘physical therapist’ peppered throughout the text of the site. “All I need is to grab their attention, to get them to the site, where all will be explained”, he said.

Grabbing people’s attention is much easier with a .physio domain extension and the brand ‘’ creates significant curiosity.  Who will be sitting? The patient or the practitioner. In fact, it is likely to be both.  How can treatment occur when we are both sitting? Come and find out.

Marc’s business will be primarily telehealth, where both he and the worker will be communicating via their devices.  If ever there were an opportunity to build a rapport with a patient, it will be sitting with them to address the very issues of their sitting.

With sitting as his niche, Marc’s biggest target market is office workers.  Being overworked, time poor and in front of a computer screen already they will be incredibly easy for him to reach.  One click on his website and a telehealth connection can be made.  Technology could not make getting help for your sedentariness any easier.