Physical therapists across the USA are joining their global colleagues in registering .physio domain names for their websites. With Google Search recognising that the terms ‘physical therapy’, ‘physiotherapy’ and ‘physio’ are used synonymously they can be confident that their site will rank higher with a .physio domain name.

Increasingly location domain names are being snapped up. Just as in real estate where location is paramount the same holds true for Internet domain names.

REgistering a well known location .physio domain name is an extraordinarily powerful marketing tool as it provides ‘ownership’ in the minds of consumers. And nowhere is that more important than when people are searching for services online. A local physical therapist is always more convenient and more reassuring.

Location .physio domains can be as local as your town, suburb and city, or as broad as an entire state. Already US state .physio domains are being secured by strategic thinking individuals and organizations. The states of Nevada, Colarado, Texas and Florida have already been registered with the .physio domain extension and more will soon follow.

Don’t miss out on securing your location .physio domain name for US$89 at It;s the best value marketing tool you could ever own.