I have long held the belief that physiotherapists and physical therapists (from now on referred to as ‘physios’) are extraordinary people, producing extraordinary outcomes. But that belief has become reality since the production of the news.physio website two weeks ago.

Every single day the news.physio website software automatically collates posts on the World Wide Web from physios and about physios; and I have the pleasure of organising them into a coherent group for publication. During this process I am exposed to the extraordinary willingness of physios to grow, and more importantly to help others grow.

The news.physio website reaches into the four corners of the globe and finds articles, video and photos that most of us would not normally never see. Now they are collated into one place and are delivered to you.

The cliché ‘Knowledge is Power’ is highly relevant to news.physio. Evidence shows that broad reading leads to creativity, innovation and insight. Learning of the strategies and ideas being implemented by your colleagues around the world can motivate and stimulate new ways of doing things in your own work, leading to greater success.

The news.physio website is curated into sections. The Headline articles are usually more global and professional in nature. Section headings then group the articles into Science, Sports, Education, Business, Health, Technology and others.

Being digital in nature the website also has a daily provision of Videos and Photos. The videos are an eclectic sample from the last 24 hours of Youtube, whilst the Photos consist of recently published research posters, infographics, banners, cartoon and other visual devices. Every single video and photo will bring value to your understanding of what is going on in our profession.

Past editions of news.physio are available by simply looking in the Archives and all editions can be searched using keywords if you are looking for information on a specific subject.

Subscribing to news.physio is simple and free, and you will receive an email each day upon publication with the Headline articles listed and a link to the full site available. Response from the profession has been immense with thousands of physios signing up to stay abreast of their profession.

Can I encourage you to join in the celebration of our global profession by visiting news.physio and subscribing now.